Politics have been a male dominant system since the beginning of the formation of our country. Gender affects political opinion. Women are more likely to support democratic candidates and ideals. Men tend to favor republican concepts and their platform. “The gender gap is the tendency for women and men to hold different opinions about certain issues and to support different candidates,” (Macionis, 306). Women tend to support policies that protect those who cannot protect themselves, children, the elderly and people with disabilities. Men typically want a strong military and policies that will protect everyone in more extreme circumstances. Since men control the majority of our government, certain policies that affect women only are being placed into the hands of the men. Their differences in opinion often result in policies that women do not support and that reinforce oppression and inequality even more. Corporations have been known to control a large portion of the political system. Money means power and power controls all. Since men typically make more money than women, our government being run by men of wealth is not surprising. Our current president, Donald Trump, was able to spend his own money on his campaign and only needed to raise $50 million for his campaign, (Macionis, 303). Hillary Clinton finally became the first woman to be a leading candidate during a presidential election in the 2016 election. She faced unimaginable challenges in her attempt to become the President of the United States. “In fact, the Donald Trump versus Hillary Clinton contest yielded the largest gender gap in U.S. history. Clinton won women by 12 points and lost men by the same amount. The gap is growing, (Jabour, 2018). In 2016, the gap was 24 points. In 2012, the gap was 20. The difference in political opinion between men and women is growing because of the reinforced inequality currently being placed into the hands of wealthy men. Solutions The economic institution is in need of policies that prevent employers from …show more content…
In order to no longer have gender inequality in education, we would need to teach our children from the very beginning that they can be whatever and whoever they want to be. We need to limit the amount of gender stereotypes the children of future generations are exposed to. If we stop placing stereotypes and standards on gender and the type of career they can have, we will have greater diversity across all institutions. Encouraging our next generations to explore non-traditional careers is a great step towards greater …show more content…
Economics reinforce gender inequality through the gender wage gap, standards for credit, and higher interest rates for woman in comparison to their male counterparts. Education reinforces gender inequality through the conditioning of certain career paths and education goals. Our society teaches its children to choose a career that is stereotypical based on their gender. Politics reinforce gender inequality through the support of the wealthy involving themselves in politics, the support of policies that do not support the goal of equality for all and by the lack of female representation. Women are greatly underrepresented and ignored in our political system. This social problem needs government policies to be put in place that support the goal of equality for all, workplace protection rights, and equal access to quality education, instead of the continued oppression of women and