Political Parties During The 1790s

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There were two economic programs introduced by Alexander Hamilton that received the most resistance from Congress and the colonists. The first was the concept of the National Bank. Hamilton wanted to raise ten million dollars by selling stock to the public. This would allow private investors to purchase government bonds at three quarters of the bond value. The bank would gain capital and start giving loans immediately. Opponents believed it would allow the elite to influence the government through the bank and was unconstitutional. The second program was the excise tax on whiskey causing the Whisky Rebellion. This was due to the high tax rate negating most the farmers profit margin. In 1789, inspired by the American Revolution, France started a revolution against monarchal government. Republicans supported the idea of France fighting tyrannical government while Federalists labeled the French Revolution a mobocracy. The country was divided over support of the French for economic reasons also. Northern merchants were concerned the British would revolt against American products if a French alliance was formed. Once France took the Revolution international by attacking Britain and Spain, southern and western states became passionately pro-French. This division of opinions on foreign policy would lead to a split into two political parties. The election of 1800 was a bitter race with Federalists and Democrat-Republicans slandering each other. The Federalists had implemented the Alien and Sedition Acts in 1798. These were a direct result of Federalists concern of war with France. The first of the four acts would enable jailing or deporting anyone thought to be a spy. Secondly, the president would have the authority to deport any resident he felt was dangerous without proof. The third act changed the length of time a person had to be a resident of the U.S from five to fourteen years for citizenship. Lastly, the Sedition Act made it illegal to act violently in retaliation to federal law or overthrow the government. These acts along with the differing opinion on French foreign policy divided the political parties forever. The Whiskey Rebellion was due to Alexander Hamilton’s tax on domestic whiskey. The tax was steep, about twenty-five percent of the total cost of whiskey, and negated almost all of the local farmer’s profit. Hamilton felt the tax would reduce whiskey consumption and help fund the national debt. In July 1794, a group of one hundred western Pennsylvanians blocked a U.S. Marshall from serving court summons for delinquent tax payers. After a shootout with federal officers, another group of five hundred burned the house of the chief revenue officer. George Washington was forced to march thirteen thousand militiamen to western Pennsylvania in order to squelch the uprising. This was to prevent further protests from groups that did not agree with federal regulations. In 1798, France began seizing American ships carrying products to Britain. Within a year they had pillaged 300 ships and hung any American captured on British naval ships. Attempting to avoid war, John Adams sent a peace commission to France. Charles de Talleyrand, the French foreign minister, refused to meet the commission. He sent three …show more content…
Examine the development of political parties in the United States during the 1790s. What were the causes and issues? What were the political philosophies of the Federalists and the Republicans?

Political opinion began to show two distinct groups by George Washington’s second term as president. These groups would differ in their views of domestic and foreign policy alike. The Alien and Sedition Acts, Whiskey Rebellion, and French Revolution were some of the catalysts that sparked controversies between the two parties. Democrat-Republican and Federalists views on these issues would split into a two party political war that would come to a head in the election of 1800. A large government was one fundamental belief of Federalists. They were anti-French in foreign policy and favored trade with Britain. They also believed that normal people should not vote on policies but elect elites to office to make these decisions for them without influence of popular opinion. With the introduction of the Alien and Sedition Acts, Federalists drove a wedge between the political views of the country that would never

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