Adams awarded Clay the Office of Secretary of State. Jackson’s supporters, future Democrats, called this the “Corrupt Bargain.” Jacksonians opposed a strong central bank, large expenditures on public projects, and tariffs to protect national industry, also known as the “Tariff of Abominations” to them. In opposition of Adams and what he supported, Jacksonians merged into the Democratic party, named that because it followed Thomas Jefferson’s calls for a small, decentralized government. Unlike the Whigs, the Democrats wanted to strengthen the country through the state governments. The Democratic Party primarily consisted of the common people, who did not have the desire to pay higher prices for what they bought because of tariffs, favored by the Whigs. They believed in laissez faire, the belief that the government should leave businesses alone, neither helping nor obstructing it. This way people would not be loaded with taxes to support businesses, and that everyone that was negligent would be able to take care of
Adams awarded Clay the Office of Secretary of State. Jackson’s supporters, future Democrats, called this the “Corrupt Bargain.” Jacksonians opposed a strong central bank, large expenditures on public projects, and tariffs to protect national industry, also known as the “Tariff of Abominations” to them. In opposition of Adams and what he supported, Jacksonians merged into the Democratic party, named that because it followed Thomas Jefferson’s calls for a small, decentralized government. Unlike the Whigs, the Democrats wanted to strengthen the country through the state governments. The Democratic Party primarily consisted of the common people, who did not have the desire to pay higher prices for what they bought because of tariffs, favored by the Whigs. They believed in laissez faire, the belief that the government should leave businesses alone, neither helping nor obstructing it. This way people would not be loaded with taxes to support businesses, and that everyone that was negligent would be able to take care of