They seem to work so many hours that they don't have as much time as they would like to be with their family and friends. That is a chance that you have to take as an officer, because it is definitley hard work and dedication. They also sacrifice their own lives, they could do anything in this world but those chosing ones chose to save, protect, and serve their community. Knowingly that they could be killed, or even hurt during their duty. Empathy and caring to me fall under the same category, but are both great aspects of an officer subculture. As an officer, you have to have an understanding and sharing heart. I say that because officers get into alot of situations where they have to deal with suspects and victims, and they have to be able to distinguish who is in the wrong or not in the wrong, or if all are in the wrong. You don't want to be a weak officer, but you have to go out their in this world with a good heart. You have to care about others safety to be able to save them or protect them from harm. Another aspect is support, because working in this type of field can get very discouraging, and at times may even make one want to give up on the career. Officers may not be able to catch a criminal, so the support from other fellow officers would make things a little better. Lets just say one officer have a domestice violence call with more people involved than was known. The support of other officers coming to assist that officer in that call, would support him so much rather him go out and od it all alone. Support sort of ties in with teamwork, because again it is the involvement of all officers helping one another out to make it through each situation safely. Teamwork also helps as an officer in the community, whereas you go out and help the community with differnet events. Trying to be involved as much as possible to show the community that you are as well a team player too. Lastly, loyalty which is one of the greatess aspects an officer can and should have. If the community do not trust you or believe you will be there as you should. How can they really want you on the force, or support you when you come around. You have to show the community, the police force, and your fellow officeers that you are loyal. Basially showing everyone that you have their back at all times. Loyalty is a great aspect that any chief would love to see in their officers, because it shows them that they can depend on them at all
They seem to work so many hours that they don't have as much time as they would like to be with their family and friends. That is a chance that you have to take as an officer, because it is definitley hard work and dedication. They also sacrifice their own lives, they could do anything in this world but those chosing ones chose to save, protect, and serve their community. Knowingly that they could be killed, or even hurt during their duty. Empathy and caring to me fall under the same category, but are both great aspects of an officer subculture. As an officer, you have to have an understanding and sharing heart. I say that because officers get into alot of situations where they have to deal with suspects and victims, and they have to be able to distinguish who is in the wrong or not in the wrong, or if all are in the wrong. You don't want to be a weak officer, but you have to go out their in this world with a good heart. You have to care about others safety to be able to save them or protect them from harm. Another aspect is support, because working in this type of field can get very discouraging, and at times may even make one want to give up on the career. Officers may not be able to catch a criminal, so the support from other fellow officers would make things a little better. Lets just say one officer have a domestice violence call with more people involved than was known. The support of other officers coming to assist that officer in that call, would support him so much rather him go out and od it all alone. Support sort of ties in with teamwork, because again it is the involvement of all officers helping one another out to make it through each situation safely. Teamwork also helps as an officer in the community, whereas you go out and help the community with differnet events. Trying to be involved as much as possible to show the community that you are as well a team player too. Lastly, loyalty which is one of the greatess aspects an officer can and should have. If the community do not trust you or believe you will be there as you should. How can they really want you on the force, or support you when you come around. You have to show the community, the police force, and your fellow officeers that you are loyal. Basially showing everyone that you have their back at all times. Loyalty is a great aspect that any chief would love to see in their officers, because it shows them that they can depend on them at all