0:11welcome to watchmojo.com and today we're counting down our picks for the top 10
0:16foods that can kill you
0:17we don't care what they look like Willie them in any way they can fit on a flight
0:21for this list
0:22we're looking at those edible foods that may be fatal if you eat or prepare them
0:27the wrong way
0:28if you eat too many of these guys they might just be deadly
0:31we're excluding foods that many people are allergic to such as peanuts and
0:36because those are harmless to a majority of people
0:42number 10 cairo likely first found in Southeast Asia the thick stems leaves
0:48and leaf stems of this plant are often used and eaten …show more content…
it's a red velvet is it for the man who has no fear of an
7:17excruciating death if you eat those parts and are poisoned is can quickly
7:21lead to paralysis
7:23while you're still conscious and eventual death
7:26that's why it's actually illegal for the Emperor of Japan to consume it …show more content…
ribbon you know I don't like I was on MySpace almonds are so potentially
7:56dangerous when consumed at the US Department of Agriculture made it
7:59mandatory for the seeds of the almond tree to go through a special heat
8:03treatment and pasteurization as of 2007
8:07this is done to avoid infection by salmonella
8:10however we should also explain that there are different types of almonds
8:13such as the sweet and bitter kinds and it's the bigger ones that you need to be
8:17careful of why they are much higher in cyanide than the sweet ones which