However, the question of how safe the food Americans are ingesting is being questioned again. An outbreak has occurred in the company known as Chipotle. The food that is being served to their valued customers is no longer safe to eat due to a bacterial outbreak of E. Coli. This outbreak has caused many consumers to become ill. CNN reports that this outbreak has occurred over the duration of a few months, and that extremity of the cases varies. (Goldschmidt, CNN). This sparks some to question how safe the food being produced in the United States truly is. There is a possibility that corporations are maneuvering around the implemented laws and are continuing to practice illegal productions. Moving forward, the country should edit the laws and add more details that provide a more structure guideline as to how food should be
However, the question of how safe the food Americans are ingesting is being questioned again. An outbreak has occurred in the company known as Chipotle. The food that is being served to their valued customers is no longer safe to eat due to a bacterial outbreak of E. Coli. This outbreak has caused many consumers to become ill. CNN reports that this outbreak has occurred over the duration of a few months, and that extremity of the cases varies. (Goldschmidt, CNN). This sparks some to question how safe the food being produced in the United States truly is. There is a possibility that corporations are maneuvering around the implemented laws and are continuing to practice illegal productions. Moving forward, the country should edit the laws and add more details that provide a more structure guideline as to how food should be