Upton Sinclair's The Jungle '

Decent Essays
Upton Sinclair’s masterpiece The Jungle centers on Jurgis Rudkus, a Lithuanian immigrant working in Chicago’s infamous Packingtown. Jurgis and Ona move from Lithuania to work in Chicago meat packing industry. After Jurgis and Ona return from a reception they find out that they are more than a hundred dollars in debt to the saloonkeeper. They each pitch in and buy a house which turned out to be a swindle because the house was poorly maintained. Ona gave birth to one child and was forced to go back to work within seven days. Ona died giving birth to her second son and Jurgis went on a drinking binge and left Antanas with Teta. Then Jurgis returned and got a job, then Antanas drowned in a mud-logged street and Jurgis ran off and got back in jail and he was let free and went to find Marija. Jurgis and Ona move from Lithuania to work in Chicago meat packing industry. After Jurgis and Ona return from a reception they find out that they are more than a hundred dollars in debt to the saloonkeeper. When they moved I felt that it would better there lives, but it turned out to be a disaster. When they found out they were in debt they needed to find jobs and Ona’s got a job and the boss was penny-pinching. Consequently, they each pitch in and buy a house which turned out to be a swindle because the …show more content…
When Ona did not return home from work on time Jurgis new something was up, he walked in on Ona’s boss raping her and he attacked him. When Jurgis returned from jail, he made it in time for Ona to give birth to their second son. During birth Ona had troubles and both here and the baby died. Jurgis was depressed, so he went on another drinking binge. He finally sobered up and thought about his son that is still alive and got a job and started taking care of his living son. I think what he did by sobering up and deciding to take care of his son was a good decision made by

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