Poison Butt Frogs: Article Analysis

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This article talks about how the poison dart frogs has gaining resistance to lethal toxin. This toxin disrupts a chemical to their brain. However, by messing with these proteins that these toxins have in their body with a “switch”, which is how they call it in this article, who change protein building blocks, they have got to managed it. These frogs use this lethal toxin to defend themselves from predators. The study that these scientists did was focusing of frogs that carry epibatidine, a poison substance found on the skin of the endangered Ecuadorian frog. According to this website the experiment was about “how acetylcholine receptor protein differed between poison frog’s species that are resistant to epibatidine and some of their close relatives that aren’t”. But to procced with this test scientists put the human’s DNA into frog eggs to see if their resisting to poison would change. Then the researchers select amino acids in the human code with different poison frog to find a “switch” that could make us resistant to epibatidine, which is important in case we get across these poison frogs. …show more content…
On the other hand, the frogs didn’t seem impaired. The resistance that these frogs have appears to evolve three separate times. According to this article, “Three different lineages of the frogs have resistance to the poison, and all of them got that immunity by flipping the same switch. But the amino acid changes that bring back a normal acetylcholine response aren’t the same across those three groups” thus, leave a conclusion of how the frogs got somehow an amino acid replacement somewhere in their receptor of

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