Disinfectant 1 Disinfectant 2 Concentration Initial Subculture Initial Subculture Most concentrated 1:10 - + - - 1:90 + + - - 1:900 + + - - 1:90,000 + + - - 1:900,000 + + - + 1:9,000,000 + + - +
a. In the above Table, what is the minimal bacteriostatic concentration of each disinfectant?
The minimal bacteriostatic concentration of disinfectant 1 is 1:10
The minimal bacteriostatic concentration of disinfectant 2 is 1:9,000,000
b. Which …show more content…
(4 points) Assume that you are responsible for decontaminating materials in a large hospital. How would you sterilize each of the following? Briefly justify your answers.
a. A mattress used by a patient with bubonic plague.
A mattress used by a patient with bubonic plague should be sterilize by using the sterilization technique and/or degerming technique. Sterilizing the mattress will remove all the microbial life in it. Degerming technique will also be another option since you will want to remove microbes from a certain area (in this case, the mattress where the patient resided). These two techniques are helpful to remove the organisms (the plague) without damaging the material of your item (mattress); they will also be helpful in case you want to utilize the mattress in a future occasion.
b. Intravenous glucose-saline solutions.
To sterilize Intravenous glucose-saline solution you can perform an autoclave and/or sterilization and/or bacteriostasis.
c. Used disposable …show more content…
(2 points) Why are the drugs used to treat parasitic helminths often toxic to the host?
The drugs used to treat parasitic helminths are often toxic to the host since both have similar cellular functions. Both have similar plasma membranes, and both are classified as eukaryotes.
7. (2 points) Discuss the arguments for and against the classification of viruses as living organisms. For: viruses are classified as living organisms due to their possession of DNA or RNA in their systems. DNA and RNA are essential components of any living organism.
Against: Viruses are only alive when they are present and depend on another living organism/host.
8. (4 points) Discuss the differences between enveloped animal virus and naked animal virus in their ways of viral multiplication. Enveloped animal virus is composed of lipids, proteins, and carbohydrates (some have spikes arounds them).
Naked animal virus is composed of capsomeres, but doesn’t contain an