Essay On Pragmites

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Studies have been done on the control mechanism of Phragmites. Crowe, Leclerc, Struger, & Brown (2011) did a study on glyphosate-based herbicide application on Phragmites near Georgian Bay beaches. The application of herbicides is not suggested near bodies of water, but this study used herbicide concentration below the Canadian water quality guideline for the protection of aquatic species (Crowe, Leclerc, Struger, & Brown, 2011). This study reduced the size of Phragmites by 90%, although it did not eradicate the invasive species, the reduction in size is a good control measure (Crowe et al., 2011). The herbicides used in this study, Roundup® or Rodeo®, do have toxic effect to aquatic life which is why the herbicides were diluted in the study (Crowe et al., 2011). Risk assessments should be done before the use of the herbicides since they do pose serious consequences and this is why herbicides are not often used as an eradication technique for Phragmites even though they are proven to be effective. Other control measures should be taken to prevent proliferation of this invasive plant. A provincial action plan must be created since Phragmites have been proven to affect native aquatic species. At Long Point, Ontario, the invasive plant has reduced habitats for 6 freshwater turtles nesting sites (Bolton & Brooks, 2010). The turtles require solar heat and open habitats with specific characteristics for nesting (Bolton & Brooks, 2010). The microenvironment that is suitable for turtle nesting habitats is reduced by Phragmites proliferation. The correct amount of solar heat is essential for incubation and, due to the expansion of Phragmites, the reproductive success of the turtles species is lowered (Bolton & Brooks, 2010). This is a social issue and the biodiversity in areas where Phragmites are found will continue to decrease if nothing is done. If the spread of these species is not prevented, there will be negative impacts on economic and social issues. …show more content…
If Phragmites find their way into an agricultural crop, it will cause economic loss (Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources, 2011). Property values will drop in areas where monocultures are found (Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources, 2011). Phragmites have already impacted the recreational value of the beaches in the Georgian Bay area (Crowe et al., 2011). Charismatic native species, such as the 6 freshwater turtle species in Long Point, will see drastic population declines which impacts the communities surrounding Long Point personally (Bolton & Brooks, 2010). This is why the Invasive Alien Species Strategy for Canada was approved and why Acts, such as the Plant Protection Act, prevent movement of invasive pests between provinces (Government of Canada, 1990). The province and country must have effective ways to control the invasive species at least for the benefit of the economy if not for biodiversity. The Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources claims it is working towards controlling and management of the plant, but no action have been taken provincially as of yet (Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources, 2011). Critique The article by CBC News on Phragmites in Windsor is lacking important information. CBC’s article does gives great background information on the invasive plant species, including the science and biology behind the species success at invasions. The article goes into detail about how the Phragmites out-compete in wetlands and how the plant releases toxins from its roots to inhibit growth (CBC News, 2015). However, the article lacks background information on the on the policies that are preventing the use of herbicides (CBC News, 2015). A similar article in The Star, “Phragmites australis is Canada’s worst invasive plant” by Leslie Scrivener, is more informative on the policies behind invasive plants and herbicide use compared to “Windsor adds voice in call for provincial Phragmites strategy” article. “Phragmites australis is Canada’s worst invasive plant” goes into detail about herbicide use and how it harms aquatic life, which is why it is banned (Scrivener, 2012). “Windsor adds voice in call for provincial Phragmites strategy” does not mention the negative side effects of herbicides in an effort to gain support from the public without telling the complete truth. “Windsor adds voice in call for provincial Phragmites strategy” needs more background information to allow readers to understand the full picture. This article was an effort to create

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