Persuasive Essay On The Odyssey

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If I were to put Homer’s The Odyssey into a feature film the theme of the film would be a young high school freshmen trying desperately to get over the heartbreak of her last relationship. She had a boyfriend of two years and found that he was cheating on her at a party on their two year anniversary. She thankfully has her two best friends to help her through the obstacles that are just the after effects of her heart break and that will finally get her back on her feet. The reasons to why you should make The Odyssey into this type of feature film is that it is based on modern day problems of a teenage girl so it is more exciting, but still in the perspective of Homer's The Odyssey.
The setting of the film is in the 21st Century in a small town in Florida (Allentown) although Florida is usually sunny and has an exciting vibe Allentown is calm and rarely eventful. Their only High school is Cornwall High which educates
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She has three best friends Carly, Katlyn, and Allison. She has a boyfriend, Thomas. He is a junior at Cornwall High, the quarterback of the football team, and the most popular guy at school. She is cheer captain and would be the “it” girl of the school; also Cornwall high. She has straight A’s, popular, nice, and overall an amazing person with a great personality. On their two year anniversary after a great win at a game they went to a party at one of the football team’s wide receivers house, Justin. Half way into the night Justin says he is going to go get them some drinks, he is gone for a while so Alex decides to go look for him only to find out he was kissing one of her best friends Katlyn. She becomes heart broken and not herself. Her other two friends are there and help her get home only for her to become depressed and not okay. The main "goal" for Alex is to find that she is not worthless for being cheated on, but is strong with or without a man in her

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