Persuasive Essay On Social Welfare

Improved Essays
Bracha Minsky
SOS 190 Midterm

The American social welfare system spends billions of dollars every year on its citizens. It has helped many Americans with food, shelter and education. Congress is constantly fighting over cutting costs or increasing the budget. The government sets these programs as temporary aid. America is the land of opportunity and wants to be able to give those opportunities to its future generations as well. Does the population who uses these government aid programs utilize them appropriately, or are they being abused? Is it possible to transition off the programs and go on to live an ordinary life?
Following the great depression is when the government began implementing social welfare laws. They were
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The amounts of programs are endless, they give people opportunities for many things that do not even seem vital but are available. I merely gave an idea about a few different types of social welfare programs that the government provides and it is very clear how much they help and want their people to succeed and build lives for themselves.
Social work is a profession that requires one to have knowledge in many different areas of life. Social workers may focus on problems that are complex or difficult . They must work together with many different personalities to do their best. Some decisions they make will be hard to come to and require extensive amounts of work and research. A social worker has many roles when it comes to social
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They must do research before providing information and make sure their decisions are the right ones. Becoming too attached to individuals or families may also lead to misjudgment.
It is common for me to see people sitting out on the streets all day playing board games or just goofing around. These are not senior citizens but just regular people; their biggest worry is when they should go pick up the welfare check. Once a person becomes dependant on programs and does not have to work to support himself he becomes happy and comfortable. He may forget what it is like in the real world and loose the desire to do better. The term “underclass” was developed for these people. They are all unemployed and uneducated. Some fear that they are what threaten America’s existence. They are the cause of the nation’s deficit growth. If we continue to permit such a mentality what future do we have? The working class works to support the poor who do absolutely

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