Persuasive Essay On Secondhand Smoke

Improved Essays
Tobacco is the most heavily used addictive product in the United States. Smoking harms every organ in the body. Cigarette smoking accounts for about one-third of all cancer deaths, including those from lung cancer. In fact, cigarette smoking has been linked to about 90 percent of all lung cancer cases. Research shows that smoking increases the risk of heart disease. Smokers harm others as well as themselves through secondhand smoke. Using tobacco has a lot of health effects that not only affect yourself but also everyone around you.
The deadly effects that smoking has on our bodies is extensive. Children and infants are at most risk from people using tobacco products, especially with secondhand smoke. Secondhand smoke is a known cause of sudden
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I will go over some healthy tips to help you quit using tobacco products and start living a healthy lifestyle. First you need to find your reason and get motivated to quit. You need to find a reason and be fully committed to help reduce the urge of using. Second, you need to lean on your loved ones, or find a group of people that are going through the same thing that you are. Here locally in Grant County we have a smoking cessation program called Kick Buts program. This program has weekly support meetings along with monthly education meetings to help you with quitting. For more information on this program call Len’s Drug at (541) 575-0629. Third, you need to give yourself a break, it is hard to quit tobacco when your body is addicted to it. Many people try several times to quit using tobacco and that is okay. If you relapse do not get discouraged, instead think of why or what made you relapse and use the opportunity to recommit to quitting tobacco. In addition, to living a healthier lifestyle you will also be saving money from not buying the tobacco products that you were using everyday. In fact if you bought a pack of cigarettes a day you would save $1.825 a year! You could use this new found money for a vacation or treat yourself to something to celebrate your success in quitting your addiction. Here is a chart of just how much quitting smoking does to your body.

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