Being Born Gay

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In today’s society, everyone knows of at least two or maybe even more gay, bisexual, or lesbian people; the question is were they born with it or did they make the choice for themselves? There is a large amount of gay’s that feel like they did not make the choice on their own, some simply feel that even during childhood they knew they were gay. I cannot tell you how many times I have heard the line, “Being born gay is like being born into a race, you have no control over it.” This is an important topic because it seems to be all that is going on in society right now. I believe that a person ultimately has the choice to decide who and what they want to be in life and I strongly feel that being with a person of the same sex is wrong. Many people feel like there is a gay gene that they were born with which made them the way they are today. According to neuroscientist Simon LeVay, he states, “Yes, we have a choice in life, to …show more content…
Everyone can think of either a gay, lesbian, bisexual, or transgender person, whether it be in their family, friend group, co-workers, or even a celebrity. The celebrities that stand behind gay rights seem to make everyone feel like there is nothing wrong with being gay. There are some people that believe being gay is something they were born with and have no control over throughout their lifetime. Although research has been inconclusive, scientists will still be looking for an answer to prove that either one-hundred percent right or one-hundred percent wrong. The number of gays in America will just continue to increase rapidly since they have so many people standing behind them with support. So is it true, can a person really be born gay? Or do they decide on their own? For now until further research can prove the real answer, we must stick to our own

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