Personal Privacy Analysis

Decent Essays
In this day of age, technology is apparent everywhere. When it comes to personal privacy, technology is used for most day to day things in life helping us with tasks otherwise difficult. Technology can be used as surveillance to keep us safe, but are drawbacks to this though. As much as we would want to think that our privacy is being protected by technology, it could instead be exploited by companies if they're willing to pay the price for the information. Two articles talking about this issue, "Private License Plate Scanners Amassing Vast Databases Open to Highest Bidders" (RT, 014) and "Who Has the Right To Track You?" (David Sirota, 2014). Both of the articles address the issue of privacy and the ethics if companies should buy them to benefit …show more content…
Here, RT uses well knows banks that the reader probably knows and perhaps is affiliated with it. This raises some aspects of pathos because the readers might distrust the banks more siding with the writer. . Many companies who spoke with Globe, one of Boston's Newspaper Companies, said they send spotter cars to commercial lots based on the number of vehicles open for scanning. This is the one of the issues concerning if it's right for companies to have your liscence plate number. The digital list the target environments for repo agents to go look at such as malls, movie theaters, sporting events and more. RT mentions how the repo said that they visit workplaces and commercial areas at day and apartment complexes and residential areas at night, citing the Globe. This form of writing uses lots of emotional appeal when he touchs on how spotter cars might be around peoples and possibly the audiances workplace and residential areas. Some property owners consider this act trespassing. These are some of the statements RT uses to state his

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