Personal Narrative On Stereotypes

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I only went to the volleyball game to watch my brother. There are boys everywhere. Is that boy looking at me, how do I look? Did I remember to brush my hair this morning? Do I have anything on my face? What does he see when he looks at me? Does he think I look okay? All these thoughts running through my head, part of me is thinking they are can only be judging me on my looks, ahh, what is their final judgment?
I guess I can’t get too mad because I’m doing it as well, Number 6 looks okay, but number 10 is way better looking. Hmm, I wonder if they are thinking the same things as me – is my hair okay? Is there anything on my face? What does she see when she looks at me? Number 10 brushes his hair to one side, was that for me? I guess they are just as worried about what they look like as I am.
Wait, why am I worrying about what I look like? Oh, that’s right, I realise as four girls appear from nowhere, where did they come from? I look up, they look beautiful. Why did they have to sit here, why right next to me? Instinctively, I look down and compare myself to them, how do my clothes look? Did I put makeup on this morning, No! I am only watching my brother play volleyball, luckily I didn’t put yesterday’s clothes on, they are still on my bedroom floor. I am hoping No.6 or No.10 is going to talk to me, maybe No.6 as I went to primary school with him, I smile thinking will he introduce me to No.10? How did these girls know to put makeup on and nice clean clothes? I look at the spot of water I just dribbled from my water bottle on my shorts, great, it now looks like I can’t even drink from a bottle. I look up, why are they beautiful, my initial confidence in myself is ebbing away second-by-second, are all the boys looking at them, now? I am now more confused than ever, do these four girls have the looks that boys want, do the boys have the looks these girls want? Who knows, back to looking at my water spot, is it dry yet? Glancing over at the rest of the crowd, I now see everyone’s appearance is based on what we see in magazines and films, our looks have become everything, I see most of the boys and girls have put in an effort to look good, I even look at my brother and notice he has put hair gel in, last night he was arguing about having a shower never mind thinking about his hair and how he looks. Is that $#$#2$#$# 14 or 21? I can’t tell anymore. Are we all trying to look older? Do all the girls in the crowd look older than what they really are? I do think most of the boys do look their age. Number 25 is year 7, number 2 is year 10 and 44 is year 12. But the girl with the green top is probably 14 but looks 18. And the 4 girls next to me are 21. Wait did they just say they need to get formal dresses? Their year 12!? How is that possible? Well I guess, no one would come out in clothes they find comfortable as we have to live up to the standard of beauty.
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Prove to everyone that we are beautiful, even if it means changing our whole face to look a certain way. But why is it us girls that have to do it? Why aren’t the boys changing their looks? None of them has makeup on? Well maybe number 7 does, but that’s probably just genetics rather than mascara. Why don’t they change their faces to look a certain way? Do they not care about their looks? Well, that’s not true, they do their hair each morning and look in the mirror each day. So do they do what we do? Do they see their flaws? The problems with their bodies? Do they worry about what they look like if they see a girl? Where has all of these problems come from? Oh, I remember I watched this slam poem that perfectly summed up how this issue has some to be. “The only place we will really feel safe

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