Personal Narrative: My Trip To America

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I was only a young boy, about four years old, when leaving the Netherlands. My family consisted of my sister, mother, and father. As a family we were pursuing new hope that we were expecting in America. My Father perceived America as the best option from friends and other family members who had already left. Though we were very poor, we saw America as a place where our family could get a better occupation. I vaguely remembers the trip to America; I do however remember a very crowded and loud ship filled with people. The ship carried people that spoke many different languages and was all around chaotic. I recall being separated from my father for a long time on the ship. It wasn’t until we arrived that I had finally found his father. My …show more content…
Nonetheless, it wasn’t long before we found life in New York, where my father found a job. Although, without a proper education, my father worked hard in the factories which kept a slow but helpful income. My father was working nearly every day and only got one off. More importantly, we spent that one day with our father playing and going around the city. My Father walked a long way to reach his job and I also walked around as well. We couldn’t necessarily afford transportation when I was young, but later we got on busses. I also found work, but it was with my mother. We worked together to mainly clean and somewhat organize the small place. There was one day I will always remember celebrating with my family, Sinterklaas. The holiday was somewhat of a Dutch Christmas and like Christmas, children were given gifts. Though I never remember getting gifts in America, I remembers getting small presents in the Netherlands. I was disappointed by how America only brought hard work upon his family. In reflecting I realize that my hopes were set too high, even though I was just a child. When I was slightly older, around nine, my sister got very ill. We could not afford the necessary materials to help their daughter, and watched as

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