We finally had reached our destination Destin, Florida. My little brother is so excited to see the water, he runs through the screen door that goes out on our balcony. At first I was a little frightened by the endless amounts of blue water. The waves would come in huge and loud crashing onto the beach. The fisherman boats would be a small speak in a distant on their way out to catch fish. But once I got out there in the water I would gradually start to love the ocean. Each time I would get braver and go out further, as my mom sat on the beach and watch my brother and I closely. The farther out I would go the water would get this magnificent blue; for allowing you to see all types of beautiful sea shell with all sorts of colors in them, the tropical fish reminded me of the movie Finding Nemo, little pale pieces of sand dollars washed up in the waves on the banks. The sand resemble of …show more content…
It was time for the race to see who could catch the most crabs. We would shine our lights on the sand and watch little white crabs run. You would not think that something so small could be so fast. We would race and see who could catch the most in five minutes. Strolling along the beach at night is scare looking across the water in dark hole that never ends with load roaring noise of waves coming in; can really frighten young children.
Family vacations are the greatest memories a child can have. Being able to look back at all the family trips we have got to take through my childhood and how much fun we had. I cannot wait for more family trips to make lasting