The secret life of bees Part A- Character Description May boatright is youngest of the Boatwright sisters. She is a woman who lives in Tiburon Carolina in the flamingo house with her other two sisters. She was named May along with her twin sister April, because their parents loved spring and summer. May physically is a thin woman who wears colorful house clothes. She has a muscled, fit physique with light skin and tall figure .…
I, Brenda Isabeles-Chaves, am a 17 year-old teenage girl that was born in Vallejo, California but was raised in Napa, California. I come from a family of four. My parents were born and raised in Mexico in a place called Tuxpan, Jalisco. Then there is my younger brother, whom I tend to always fight with. Even though I only have one sibling, I have cousins that over the years I have come to consider as siblings.…
Sally Burt is the kindest woman you could ever meet. Many take her kindness for weakness, because she tends to be very passive, but don’t let her fool you, because she does have a feisty side. She is fifty-six years of age, but has the vitality of a twenty-six year old. She has dark brown eyes that sparkle every time she speaks; her light brown skin glows ever so radiantly as the sun hits her; she has thick, brown, short hair that caresses her shoulders. Her loving smile can brighten up anyone’s day; she stands tall at 5’6, and walks proudly, while loving her voluptuous curves.…
Clarabeth Maire Grainer laid in her bed unable to sleep, she stared at the white ceiling above her as she thought to herself. She eventually closed her eyes and fell asleep, the next thing she knew her alarm was screaming at her with loud beeping. She woke up with a sigh knowing that school started in an hour. She got out of her warm bed and got dressed in an army green sweater, gray jeans, and pulled on some brown boots. She walked out of her room and into the bathroom.…
Many people think when someone becomes a mom they are throwing their life away. My sister Stephanie Brier thinks the opposite, she loves being a mom and everything that comes with it. Stephanie never stopped her life when she had her child she just kept on living it just as she would if nothing has changed. Stephanie was a young mom she got pregnant at the age of 16 her junior year of high school. She went into Uniontown Hospital on June 22 to get induced, and was in labor for about 12 hours.…
In the discombobulation of day to day life, all types of people are going to try to knock you down. This hardship was experienced personally by Brenda Roza as she realized that “there may not be that person next to you that's going to speak up for you”. There is no reason for strangers being malicious, to try to knock other people down when they’re not even known to you. Regardless, it is imperative that you are able to defend yourself- just as Brenda Roza did. Having been told throughout her entire life that she couldn’t do certain things, Brenda thought that that being a successful person might be beyond reach to her - impossible.…
• Mayella’s life is very hard, sad, and lonely o “‘Who are your friends?’ The witness frowned as if puzzled. ‘Friends? . . . You makin’ fun o’me agin, Mr. Finch?’” (245).…
Immigration was difficult. Jane Addams, a wonderful woman, knew that. My parents were immigrants from France and always reminded us that they had to work to get where they were. As soon as they entered the beloved Country, they began working harder then ever. My mother as a maid for a rich man, and my father in a factory.…
Rushing. Rushing. Rushing. My mom and I, we were always rushing. Late every time.…
Polished Brief Have you ever wanted something so bad that you thought it was necessary for your life to go on, for me that something was a pet dog. At the age of seven I was begging my parents to get me a puppy for about a year, the conversations usually sounded like this “ Hey mom and dad I was wondering if I could get a puppy this year for my birthday?” and they would reply “ I don’t know son a dog is a huge responsibility, I don’t know if you are ready for this yet.” then I would storm off all angry, because I did not get the answer I was looking or hoping for.…
“Y’all come back again real soon” reached my ears as I jumped into the car to travel back to my home in Florida. For the last several days, my Aunt Sarah had hosted me in her charming South Carolina home. As the house grew smaller and smaller in my rearview mirror, I recollected her welcoming, generous spirit. Each morning, my aunt would awake before dusk to put together a delicious breakfast of egg casserole, cheese grits, country ham, homemade biscuits with lingonberry jam and a side of ambrosia. Later, each night she would escort me to my well-appointed bedroom, where I could snuggle into a soft, down-filled comforter on my lovely, antique bed.…
So many ordinary heroes go unnoticed. They never ask for any thanks or recognition. They are the people who put others before themselves. Mrs. Schipper, a teacher at Gehlen Catholic, does exactly this. Everyone around Mrs. Schipper says she is one of the nicest people they know.…
Ultimately, it was the poor girl’s family background and the appalling treatment she received by the society that allowed her to be a character worthy of readers’ benevolence. Mayella’s unfounded accusation against an innocent black…
The sun’s burning rays beat down on us as we dug through the layers of Egyptian sand and rock. We had only begun the excavation the previous day and had already uncovered one-fifth of the ancient pyramid. I, as well as a team of high-ranking archaeologists, had accompanied Sarah Parcak in an expedition to unearth a lost Egyptian pyramid. “How’s your section of the chamber coming along, Erica? We’ve just uncovered a new sarcophagus,” remarked Sarah as she passed by, carrying a large coffin.…
Who am I? I am Sarah, and although I possess a commonly used name, I do not possess a common personality. Therefore, what differentiates me from all the other people named Sarah? My dedication and eccentricity is what makes me unique.…