The very first day was going great. My friends and I were on our way home from school. My friends name our Riley and Jaylin. On our way home to work on a project we saw this strange thing coming toward us. We thought it was another kid trying to pull a prank on us. We were dead, I mean Dead wrong. Like the thing was limping and saying weird things. We tried to ignore it, but it keep following us. Riley (trying to be brave) started to head toward the weird thing. He came back screaming, “ It’s Dead, IT IS DEAD, Run!!!”, I didn’t believe him, but as soon as he ran past Jaylin and I we could hear what it was saying. “ Brainsssss, Brainsssss!” Let me rewind for a minute, so you know what is going on. A few days ago in Los Angeles California a …show more content…
The scientists was bitten. That is when the world found out that this sea snake was very venomous. We have been told if we see one to move as far away from it. The very next day the scientist passed away….. Or so we thought. The sea snake was named a brownish-purple leaf-scaled. This snake was everywhere in the water. They started to close down beaches and anywhere there is water. Now that you are caught up, there is one important detail to tell you. That weird thing we saw, yea it was the scientist. I swear to you it was a zombie. The city we live in has big buildings and a lot of water. All I have to say is this zombie was scary. Riley and Jaylin were trying to warn people, but who would believe a bunch of children. Well that is their fault. After a few days there was zombies everywhere. The mayor didn’t know what to do, luckily this city had a bunch of kids that play zombie games all the time and can help them. People we loved and knew where trying to kill us. Wait, wait, I know what you're thinking how do the zombies turn the humans into them. Well that is complicated. I’ll explain late right now we need to know how fast this thing is spreading and how long till all of California are zombies.