Mrs. Harper
Comp. 1
23 Sept. 2016
A Double Life The double sports life is probably one of the best things to happen in high school. What is better than playing two of the most exciting sports in the school? Well, having those two sports at two different off seasons would be the best. More than likely, with me having an offseason is unimaginable. Playing two sports is not as miserable unless they carry on over to the next one. Do not get me wrong, I love basketball and football, but having one end and the other start immediately is real torture. With them coming in so swiftly, I am always tired and busy, but I always stay in shape. Honestly, these are the biggest obstacles I face after leaving one season and entering the next. Playing double sports is neither complicated nor undemanding, so knowing some of the effects on my life can show some great examples.
Being tired all the time creates great irritation. In football, I am running routes, plays, and after people for about two and a half hours. When I leave practice and get home, I would eat, take a shower, and lay down. Not knowing that I would be repeating everything again the next day. So, after practice when I say, “I am really beat up and exhausted”, I really mean it. In basketball, I am continuously running up and down the court and running a countless number of plays. Following all the extra with those sports, I still have different conditioning workouts for them both. When I am in my last couple of games for football, I have to get my body adapted to basketball. I have no choice but to do so because basketball starts immediately right after. Then when I approach my last couple of games of basketball, I have to do the same thing in order for my body to adapt. Now here comes long hours of being outside in the hot sun for football. I have had to endure this kind of wear and tear to my body for my whole high school career, but I have to deal with it. With playing two sports, a busy schedule comes with those two sports. Playing two sports while being in school, puts me on the heavy side for being busy. Having a two hour practice, getting home late, having to stay up to study, do an essay, or do homework really gets under my skin. For instance, in the summer I would wake up for football practice, and be there for three and a half hours then go home. When I got home, I would go to sleep for about thirty minutes to an hour. …show more content…
Being active in both sports kill me mentally and physically, but it also keeps me in the shape I need in order to do them . With all the running, conditioning, and constant movements, I will not have to worry about being out of shape for either sport. How could I be out of shape and all I do is run, lift weights, and condition? First, think about how many months school lasts. Now, think about how many months football and basketball make up together. With all of those months, plus some days of working out on my own, the words, “I am out of shape”, should never come out of my mouth. Staying in shape is a key to being able to keep up with both