And yet parental involvement does not receive the kind of attention it needs to receive. That is where the challenge lies. If we as a nation can promote effective parental involvement strategies, we will be able to improve educational opportunities and see significant results for all students. When parents are involved in their children’s education, both children and parents are likely to benefit. Parent participation in their children’s schooling frequently enhances children’s self-esteem, improves both children’s academic achievement and parent-child relationship. But is also said to help parents develop positive attitudes towards school systems and gives parents a better understanding of the schooling process. Although it may not always be easy to find the time and energy to be involved in school events, and being involved may seem a handful. The benefits are endless students with parents who are involved in their school also tend to have fewer behavioral problems, and are more likely to complete high school. Positive effects of parental involvement have been demonstrated at both elementary and secondary levels across several studies. Involvement allows parents to monitor school and classroom activities. Teachers of students …show more content…
Parent-teacher conferences usually happen once or twice a year. They are brief meetings that last 30 minutes. Theses conferences focus on hearing feedback about your child’s progress and areas of need. A conference that could help improve your children’s grades. When parents are unable to attend, teachers assume that parents may not understand the importance of parent involvement. This lead the teachers at this high school to conclude that parents do not care about their children’s education. But this has serious problems Which is the crisis we are seeing
*A survey sent to parents at the same high school said it was easy to join pta at the school. Two mothers in particular said that they felt the teachers and staff were more than welcoming.
*In a interview with Nilda Garza a U of H student. According to some teacher graduates, parents who are less interactive with their children’s education makes it harder on them as teachers. Parents who do not participate in their kid’s school leave a bigger responsibility on the teacher who is not responsible ****. In an interview with a U of H graduate who was