Parent Roles In Shakespeare's Romeo And Juliet

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The play, “Romeo and Juliet” , written by William Shakespeare, expresses love with deep sorrow. The play involves a young man named Romeo, who is in search for his true love. His lover Juliet, happens to be a part of the Capulets family, which is feuding against Romeo’s Montagues.This tragedy causes major conflict between the two families and characters involved. The Nurse and Friar Lawrence both inadvertently perform a negative and positive parent role in the lives of Romeo and Juliet. Friar Lawrence was blind to the trouble and conflict he were caused by not trusting Romeo. Parents are meant to help guide children the right way and point them towards the right direction. When Romeo needs help with being wed to Juliet, he immediately seeks Friar Lawrence for wisdom. Juliet seeks the same wisdom, but towards the Nurse. One can clearly see how both Romeo and Juliet look up to the Nurse and the Firar as parental figures. Romeo and Juliet’s real parents aren’t in the picture as much as the Nurse and the Friar. This shows us that they both care for the children. Romeo tells the Friar, …show more content…
Romeo wanted to be wed to Juliet because he loved her. As a parent, the Friar and the Nurse should have rejoiced for the love of the two. Instead, the Friar looked this situation as a chance for the feuding to end between the Montagues and the Capulets. A parent should look at the well being of their child and put them first before anything else, but the Friar only cares about the feud ending between the families. “I think it be best if you married with the County.” (188) The nurse tells Juliet to just marry Paris so she won’t be banished and shamed by her father. The Nurse could have helped Juliet by sticking up for her. The intentions of both the Friar and the Nurse are not necessarily bad intentions, but from a parent’s view the intentions are despicable towards the well being of the

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