Parents always will look for the best for their children. Education is one of the most important things that parents focus their attention. In these days, parents look for school with a high academic level but also they are looking for school where they can feel welcome and encourage to be part of their children’s education.
Parents play an important role in children’s education, when a child see their parents involved in the school activities, they feel proud and secure. Having the opportunity to interview a parent about their feeling about their participation in her child’s school, make me realize how important is to considerer parent’s involvement in all the activities in the school as well at home and in the classroom. According to Coleman, “as a teacher, you can support the parenting partnership in numerous ways. To begin, make yourself available to listen to parents’ concerns” (Coleman 2013, p. 25). As, my interviewee answered in one of the question, it is really important that teachers listen and create a back and forth way of communication. Listening to parents is one way to show respect and acceptance. As, the interviewee mentioned “Is really important that teachers inform …show more content…
According to Coleman, there are some traditional family involvement strategies and activities, some are communicating and volunteering. (Coleman 2013, p. 27). Referring to communication and to the information collected during the parent interview, she mentioned that, since the beginning of the school year she felt welcome to the school and classroom. Teacher let parents know that any time they need something or want to express something they will be welcome to talk to her. Also, the interviewed parent mentioned that she volunteer during different occasions. Welcoming parents to be involved in children’s education is essential to see children’s