As aforementioned, Papa Rafael is dependent on his daughter-in-law, Carla who is struggling herself. With her husband having passed away, she must work to provide for her children alone. The Latino culture values fathers as crucial to development of children. Now that Jose has passed away, this has created a large rift in the family which is reflected in the various issues that Carla and her children are experiencing. “Fathers are often viewed as being the link between their children and the broader social environment.” (Cabrera & Bradley, 2012, p. 235) Latino fathers communicate to their children the value of family, sacrifice, good behaviors, peer relationships and more. Being a male, Papa Rafael may feel as though he must do something in the stead of Jose for his grandchildren. With his age and health problems, however, this extremely difficult task is causing a great deal of
As aforementioned, Papa Rafael is dependent on his daughter-in-law, Carla who is struggling herself. With her husband having passed away, she must work to provide for her children alone. The Latino culture values fathers as crucial to development of children. Now that Jose has passed away, this has created a large rift in the family which is reflected in the various issues that Carla and her children are experiencing. “Fathers are often viewed as being the link between their children and the broader social environment.” (Cabrera & Bradley, 2012, p. 235) Latino fathers communicate to their children the value of family, sacrifice, good behaviors, peer relationships and more. Being a male, Papa Rafael may feel as though he must do something in the stead of Jose for his grandchildren. With his age and health problems, however, this extremely difficult task is causing a great deal of