Miguel and Rosa Del Sol have been married for four years and are the parents of three children. The family reports that they are of Hispanic origin and English is their primary language. Christopher who is nine years old is Rosa’s son from a previous relationship. Christopher’s biological father, Jim, has not been involved in his life since age two. Jim is 36-years old and according to Rosa, struggled with alcohol addiction that resulted in physical abuse during her pregnancy. Rosa and Jim separated a few weeks before Christopher’s second birthday. Miguel Del Sol is a 37-year old slim Hispanic male of average height. He has no religious considerations. His biological parents are 66 year old Thomas and 62 year old …show more content…
Her biological parents are 60-year old Juan and 55-year old Maria Valdez. Rosa reports that her father was verbally and physically abusive to her mother. When Rosa was 12-years old her parents separated and she has had no contact with them since. Following the separation, Maria raised Rosa as a single parent. Rosa and her mother have a strained relationship. Rosa feels that they “tolerate each other”. Despite their relationship, Maria does babysit her grandchildren regularly. She is now refusing to watch Christopher because she feels that he is “too difficult”. Rosa graduated high school and worked as a bank teller until the birth of her first daughter, three years ago. Currently a stay at home mom, Rosa would like to return to work part-time but Miguel is against it. Lately Rosa has been feeling depressed and isolated from her support network, due to the recent move. She reports feeling overwhelmed, and would like her children to have friends to play and interact with. At her previous home, Rosa was very involved with her church and neighbors. She would like Miguel to help out more with the children and be more involved with Christopher’s attention deficit disorder (ADD). Rosa reports feeling fed up with Miguel’s verbal abuse. She is frustrated, emotional and refuses to allow her children to grow up in an “abusive” …show more content…
This along with the new financial burden of the home ownership, has disrupted homeostasis of their home. During their first visit Miguel and Rosa agreed to address the following issues during their treatment. First, Miguel will separate from each other for three minutes when they are beginning to argue. Second, Rosa will contact Christopher’s doctor for information on ADD, by our next appointment. Third, the family will implement family night once a week. This will include dinner and recreational time together starting this week. Their therapy will begin with the implementation and monitoring of these goals. By their third session we will begin parenting training and couples communication training. The overall goal is to restore healthy communication and emotional balance to their home. This will be done by equipping each of them with the tools and knowledge to better communicate with others and manger their