Overpopulation In China

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Overpopulation exists and is very prevalent in some of the largest countries in the world. It especially exists in many major countries such as China and India. This is why policies are implemented in order to reduce the overpopulation in these countries, such as China’s one-child policy. The one-child policy was created in 1980, when the government wanted to enforce family planning to avoid excess procreation. This complex policy has many external factors that make it run somewhat smoothly. In relation, All Girls Allowed is an American organization that is religiously devoted to end women’s rights violations on an international scale. And, their main project is to share how China uses barbaric techniques to enforce the one-child policy. This includes forced abortions and infanticide. …show more content…
All of those are measures taken by China and other countries in the world for women to stop having children and to deter overpopulation. Additionally, religious human rights activists groups, of course, argue with a more religious viewpoint. The argument that if women are created to procreate, they should; No matter the environmental costs of overpopulation. There are many, however, who argue that overpopulation and the effects that it causes, are worth the collateral damage of a lot of

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