Outline Pl Bosnian Genocide In 1995

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Register to read the introduction… It was so useful for me when I started to write my essay because I had the main information that I needed together in one place. At the beginning of my essay I found it hard to do, but later I knew how I want in to look like and what I want to say write. I wrote out a rough draft which was too short so I had to add more details about the event.

The word Genocide means killing or destroying members of an ethic group because of their race, nationality or religion. It is one of the worst crimes that people ever came across when thousands and millions of people were murdered. From 1992-1995 that was happening in Bosnia-Herzegovina.
Bosnia is a country in south-eastern Europe that emerged after the break-up of Yugoslavia in 1980. The conflict between the three main ethnic groups in Bosnia, the Serbs, Croats, and Muslims, resulted in genocide committed by the Serbs against the Muslims in this country. After the First World War country was united with other Slav territories to form Yugoslavia. At the time, the population of Bosnia consisted of over 1,300,000 Serbs which were Orthodox Catholic Christians, million Muslim Bosnians and around 700,000 of Croats. They all were strong attached to this land by the historical and local claims. After the death of Josip Broz Tito, elections in 1990 brought nationalists to power in Slovenia, Macedonia and Croatia, which declared independence in 1991 and were recognised internationally. The Leader of Bosnia’s, Alija Izetbegovic called for independence too, and the country was recognised as independent by the USA and the EU in 1992. However, Bosnia’s Serbs weren’t happy because they wanted to be part of “Greater Serbia”. a Serbian named Slobodan Milosevic, a former Communist responded to Bosnian’s declaration of independence by attacking and bombarding the capital city, Sarajevo. Serbs shot down civilians in the streets, including over 3,500 children. In the period preceding the attack of Serbs, Bosnian army used the ‘safe area’ as a base to attack the Serbian population. Since April 1995, the Serbs took over the area around the Srebrenica, cutting off supplies and humanitarian aid. In May 1995 the United Nations decided not to increase the units to protect the ‘safe area’ in Bosnia. In July following year Serbs troops entered Srebrenica. They not only attacked the ‘Safe area’ but also attacked the U.N. peacekeepers as well. The Dutch soldiers had been taken prisoner by the Serbs and nobody did anything to help them. Serbs had already fought with Muslim soldiers in the other villages so it was easier for them to get in. It was the time of murder, torture and beating. They destroyed homes, workplaces and places of worship that were important for Muslims. Serbs separated civilians, putting the women and girls on buses to Bosnian-held territory. Some of them were treated very badly. They were raped and sexually assaulted while the men and boys between the age of twelve and sixty were killed immediately
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Srebrenica is considered the largest murder in Europe after the Second World War were over 8,000 people were killed in this bloody massacre. A NATO peace-keeping force was deployed which is still there, facing intractable social and administrative problems. Later, in 1996, election was held which produced a three-man presidency representing the main Bosnian groups. Srebrenica was re-inhabited but Serbia left huge internal displacement of population from which the people have not yet recovered. The tragedy of this place will forever haunt the history of the U.N, a massacre of people who believed that Un will help them and they will be safe.

Evaluation of the sources http://www.history.com/topics/bosnian-genocide - This website briefly explained the story of what happened in Bosnia. It contained enough information for me to be able to know the basic stuff about the event from the 1995.It was easy to read, language was clear and I could cross-check it with my other sources. The website had many links for some good articles about what genocide is which helped me a lot with my essay. www.nytimes.com - This website gave me primary source information about Srebrenica Massacre. It contained articles from time when the war broke-out but also the period during the genocide (1992-1995). The articles showed the political side of the conflict and it was really interesting and instructive form me to learn something from a different point of

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