How does temperature affect the rate of osmosis in raisins?
Osmosis is the passage of a solvent through a semipermeable membrane from a less concentrated to a more concentrated solution until both solutions are of the same concentration We designed an experiment that would test if a raisins rate of osmosis is affected by the temperature of water it is placed in. The independent variable in this experiment was time which was 10 minute intervals. The dependent variable was the weight of the raisin before and after each interval. And the control was the water temperature each raisin was placed in, which was Hot, room temperature, and cold.
Hypothesis: I predict that the rate of osmosis will be more rapid in the raisins …show more content…
Second, you will take one of your 3 beakers and label it beaker number 1 room temperature after labeling it you will then fill it with room temperature water. Next you will label your second beaker number 2cold water and fill it with room temperature water and one cup of ice which is approximately 33.1 degrees Fahrenheit. Then you will label your last beaker number 3hot water and fill it with water that you heated on a hot plate to approximately 150 degrees Fahrenheit. After this record each beakers temperature on your chart. Now you will place one raisin in each beaker and set a timer for 10 minutes. After timer goes off you will then take tweezers and remove each raisin from the water, blot it dry, and weigh them. Record the data in your chart. You repeat this every 10 minutes for a total of 30 minutes. So you should have a weight for each raisin at 10 minutes, 20 minutes, and 30 minutes. Then you will analyze your data and record how the weight of each raisin changed over time based on its …show more content…
Depending on the temperature of water each raisin was placed in also affected the raisins texture as well as its weight. Raisins placed in room temp water had a normal texture of a raisin, raisins placed in hot water had the texture of mush, and raisin placed in cold water had the texture of hard.
Our data showed that the rate of osmosis occurred more rapidly in raisins placed in hot water than the other 2 water temperatures. It then occurred a little slower in raisins placed in cold water but osmosis appeared to occur slowest in raisin placed in room temperature water. How do we tell this? By looking at our chart of data we collected and seeing the total weight change from 0 minutes to 30 minutes. Whichever raisin that had the most weight gain after the 30 minutes we concluded had the highest osmosis rate. For us it was the raisin placed in hot