… Perfect for checking out the 95 year old neighbor lady next door if you are that kind of a degenerate sicko.
For the rest of us, this telescope gives a clear view of the moon and other celestial bodies. This telescope comes with the following additional goodies:
The full size aluminum stand folds up to be not only lightweight but compact. I have found this to be a life saver when I have had to grab the whole thing and run for it because the farmers field I snuck into turned out to be home to a 2700 pound bull named fluffy with anger management issues.
Both 10mm and 25mm eyepieces let you choose between “oh it’s so pretty” and “IT’S HEADED STRAIGHT FOR US!!” mode when looking at the moon. Drop in the higher powered 25 mm eyepiece and try waving at the little green men you think you see on the surface of the moon. They won’t wave back. I tried.
There is an Orion EZ finder 2 red dot sighting device already mounted on the top of the telescope. These red dot sights cost $40 by themselves! Heck, for that kind of money, it had better do everything but date your girlfriend! If you can’t find the moon by first using the red dot sight, you have issues, real issues.
There is an Allen wrench for adjusting the stand etc as well as a small screwdriver for shanking your roommate in the forehead when …show more content…
I keep the cap on the telescope whenever it is not in use as I am sure that if my child found an interesting opening in the end of my telescope, a peanut butter and jelly sandwich would find it’s way in there. I would then spend the next week on the phone with NASA trying to explain that I really DID see the jelly filling leaking out of the moon. If you don’t have kids, you probably don’t know what I am talking about (and I’ll bet all your DVDs still work too!). Be sure to remove the cap when looking at the moon or it might take you a while to find