The area I am talking about is that we brought pieces of the moon back with us, rocks that would be nearly impossible to replicate here on earth and would actually be easier to gather by traveling to the moon and bringing them back with us. These rocks are laden with tiny holes from meteoroid impacts that are only possible on a planet with little to no atmosphere. Also, if examined, one would find isotopes that are the result of reactions with highly charged particles that could, again, only happen on a planet with little to no atmosphere. Another piece of evidence that implies a moon landing is the size of the team; at its peak, the size of the team that landed man on the moon was over 300,000. You would think after 45 years someone would have come forward with the supposed …show more content…
The hoax is based off of faulty thinking and understanding and the misinterpretation of results and data brought back from the moon. The problem that arises through this is people are believing the wrong things for the wrong reasons. In Holtorf, Susan Richardson is quoted saying, “Given that most of the cult archaeologies have been more than adequately discredited, the ‘undecided’ option seems far from satisfactory.” This reasoning can be used to analyze the moon landing hoax as well. There is more than enough evidence countering any claims against the moon landing to believe anything but the truth. This is relevant because allowing people to believe in such nonsense promotes faulty thinking. Although being a skeptic is important, you need to be able to analyze information in a reasonable