Why We Chose To Go To The Moon Speech Analysis

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On September 12, 1962, president john F Kennedy delivered his “why we chose to go to the moon” speech at Rice University in Houston, Texas. The occasion of the speech was to address to the American people the importance of returning to space and being the first nation to place a man on the surface of the moon. Kennedy chose this time to deliver his speech because we were currently at the height of the cold war and the United States was beginning to lose the space and technological race against the Russian nation. Therefore Kennedy appeared at Rice University where he delivered his speech to a crowd that consisted of scientists, professors, students, and the general American people. The context that shaped Kennedys’ speech was the importance of mankind to achieve the near impossible feat of landing a human being on the surface of the moon and the profound impact that this accomplishment would have on the future of the human race.
The audience that Kennedy is addressing consist of scientist, professors, students and the general public. The audience in attendance cared about maintaining their freedom and security from the Soviet Union and the avoidance of a “Red Moon”, or the spreading of the Soviet Union. For the United States being the first nation to
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During his speech, Kennedy raises his voice and the intensity of his message when he is delivering to his audience the part of the speech of “why we chose to go to the moon,” to emphasize the significance that this near impossible goal has on the United States. By using terminology that can be used to create a connection between the president’s speech and the Science community as well as the general American public, Kennedy is able to make his points come across as crucial and beneficial for

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