At #4 is Apollo 11. The reason it is so high on the list is because there is a rumor going around saying the first moon landing is a hoax. One of the biggest rumors is that it is totally fake because in one of the pictures, there is no stars in the sky. There are so many rumors that they can’t explain all of them. But then again, Apollo 11 was the first moon landing. So thanks to Neil Armstrong, Michael Collins, and Edwin Aldrin. …show more content…
On April 15, 1865, John Booth decided that Lincoln had to die. So Booth snuck into Ford Theatre and found his way up to the balcony Lincoln was seated. At 10:15pm Booth took his .44 caliber single-shot derringer and shot Lincoln in the back of the head. Booth jumped off the balcony, breaking his leg in the process, and yelled Virginia’s motto. Lincoln was one of the most amazing presidents ever known. He was the one who stopped slavery and saved the enslave men, women, and many children.
I decided to put the Independence of America at #2. On July 4, 1776, America officially got their independence. Even though the Declaration of Independence was signed on July 2 of that year, America finally got its independence from the United Kingdom. This is what gave us our freedom and lets us live in happiness and peace. It gave America it’s own little super power. A total of 56 people signed the Declaration of Independence. Though there is a debate about when everyone signed