SeaWorld is one of the most known tourist park that have …show more content…
Seven were taken into captivity while five orcas died. Today this population is classified as endangered. One of the orcas captured that day is still live, and she is held at Miami Aquarium.
Study shows that male orcas live in a range of fifty to sixty years old. The range for female orcas is from eighty to ninety years old. Some of the killer whales are captured in mid-age, when they are taken into captivity. The longest surviving orca in captivity id Corky, captured in 1969 from the northern resident population that is inhabited around Vancouver Island. She is held at SeaWorld in San Diego. None of her seven offspring in captivity have survived. Corky family continue to thrive in the wild including her brother.
When the orcas are kept in captivity when it comes to closing the park they but in a different cage where they are all together with little space to get way from each other. When morning comes there have been times where one comes out bleeding with bite marks. Nobody can explain what happened because they don’t have precaution and don’t have any surveillance cameras capturing every move. “All captive adult male orca has collapse dorsal fins, likely because they have no space to in which to swim freely. SeaWorld clams that this condition is common-however, in the wild, is rarely ever happens and is a sing of an injured or unhealthy