Op-Ed: Social Media Increase Paranoia In Relationships?

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Time is constantly changing. Every day there are new advances in technology that will push society into a new futuristic era. Along with technology advances, there comes a variety of new ways to see what another person is doing at every single moment of the day. In his article, ‘Op-ed: Social Media Increase Paranoia in Relationships?’, Justin Hernandez writes about the misfortunes of Social Media and its impact on relationships. According to Hernandez, the availability of Social Media destroys the foundation of trust and happiness in relationships. The dysfunctions of social media further validate the points that it will cause harm to every relationship. There are feelings of jealousy, validation and distrust that are the downfall to relationships …show more content…
The time has come when the ideal way to get into contact with someone is to pull out a phone, open an app, and type away. Never in life has it been effortless to communicate with anyone if they are in the same room or if they are overseas. With all the technology, it is easier for relationships to experience the feeling of jealousy. "... Although social media helps connect people, it also has the ability to evoke feelings of jealousy" (1). From personal experiences, social media does not give advances in relationships. It causes arguments over small comments, and it leaves the couple feeling doubtful that their relationship will work out in the end. If the feelings of doubt are already setting in, that is an obvious harm to the developing relationship. Without putting a relationship online, it will be smooth sailing. "... Social media can cause stress in relationships" (1). There are an infinite number of stories about how social media ruins a courtship. There are always feelings that the partner is cheating or doing something bad behind the others back. "... Can fuel insecurities, increase paranoia, and cause plenty discord between couples" (1). With a partners’ thumbs running rapidly on the screen of their phone, it causes panic. Unwanted feelings to run through someone's head. The mind will always jump to conclusions before getting the …show more content…
There is nothing like face to face communication. It provides many helpful hints because body language and tone of voice will reveal what a person is feeling. “We had to take our partner's word for it when he or she said they were out... we were willing to trust or at least give our partners the benefit of the doubt" (2). Trust is the one thing that a relationship must have to survive. Without it, it will often result in meaningless fights about who the other person is texting or calling. This validates the point that social media is what is causing harm to precious foundations of trust. If social media didn't exist, face to face communication would be a must. There is no running around on Facebook or Instagram to check what someone is doing. "It's time to put the smartphones down and stop relying on them for the bulk of our information" (2). Instead of cyberstalking or getting information from an outside source, talk to the person. By talking to them, there will be a lot of weight lifted off the metaphorical shoulders of the relationship. With increased communication, there will be a lot more success stories about how the relationship survived the horrid Facebook

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