The impact of this course of action would be beneficial in various ways. First of all, there would be more room on public transit. This would allow an abundance of seats to open up and become available, therefore increasing bus or train profit. Also, you would no longer have to give up your seat for the elderly because there would be more than enough space for everyone. Secondly, there will be more food obtainable to help the malnourished and underweight citizens. This could also lead to an increased life expectancy representing and reflecting the overall mortality of a population. High life expectancy can allow for economic growth because people can only work if they remain in good health. Thirdly, the decrease in health issues by sending these people away to self-reflect and work on themselves creates an impact, forcing people to consider their diet, habits, exercise and overall health. As well, this impact can also teach children lessons to eat healthy, be active, and take care of their body. There is a large benefit to educating our youth and reinforce healthy living. We now go to Saige Charbonneau to see the publics view on this approach. Interview: Me: Hello, my name is Saige Charboneau and here I have with me local Dundas citizen Jordyn Usselman. Now Jordyn, are you aware that 59% of adults in our country are obese and that
The impact of this course of action would be beneficial in various ways. First of all, there would be more room on public transit. This would allow an abundance of seats to open up and become available, therefore increasing bus or train profit. Also, you would no longer have to give up your seat for the elderly because there would be more than enough space for everyone. Secondly, there will be more food obtainable to help the malnourished and underweight citizens. This could also lead to an increased life expectancy representing and reflecting the overall mortality of a population. High life expectancy can allow for economic growth because people can only work if they remain in good health. Thirdly, the decrease in health issues by sending these people away to self-reflect and work on themselves creates an impact, forcing people to consider their diet, habits, exercise and overall health. As well, this impact can also teach children lessons to eat healthy, be active, and take care of their body. There is a large benefit to educating our youth and reinforce healthy living. We now go to Saige Charbonneau to see the publics view on this approach. Interview: Me: Hello, my name is Saige Charboneau and here I have with me local Dundas citizen Jordyn Usselman. Now Jordyn, are you aware that 59% of adults in our country are obese and that