Since I was the extra teacher in the classroom, I worked with her for most of the day. I have been working with this student for two years now, she was just qualified for special education services this year for dyslexia. For her to complete half of the work that was assigned to the rest of the class, I had to reread and reword questions designed to prompt grade level students to collect the correct information for their topic.
Student 2 was a very typical student. Likes to talk to her friends but is also good at stopping and working when her talking was addressed, turns in assignments complete and on time, and requires some assistance, but completes most work with out much difficulty. Student 3 was the super star. He was not interested in goofing off, but still had good rapport with other students, was able to blaze through his research assignment, and did an amazing job researching and citing his …show more content…
She will be part of a group of students that will read at or near the teachers work table because they are struggling academically or behaviorally. If she is able to read with some assistance, that is preferable, and she will be able to ask for assistance as needed. If she struggles to the point of not being able to make daily progress without assistance, she will be allowed to listen to the audio book while following along and will be responsible for writing two complete sentences and an illustration that goes along with her