No Child Left Behind Act Pros And Cons

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Students are being pushed harder than ever in, even more than they used to. Students have always been pushed to work hard in school, but now they have to work twice as hard as they used to. The curriculum is changing and some students are struggling to keep up with what they are learning in the classroom. This is because of the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001.
The No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 made it so that the standardized test scores would increase to help show improvement in student proficiency. Before the No Child Left Behind Act, some students would struggle in school. In 2001, the No Child Left Behind Act was sent to congress. "The Act was passed by Congress with bipartisan support in December of 2001," (No Child Left Behind).
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During the beginning years of the new program, there were many supporters that pointed out the success from minority students, who normally preform lower than white students, (George W. Bush). Increasing the test scores for these students helps them become more successful in the classroom. When this bill was first passed, there were many supporters, but there were just as many critics. Supporters pointed to this success, but critics “however, complained that the federal government was not providing enough funding to implement the law’s requirements and that it had usurped the states’ traditional control of education as provided for in the constitution. Moreover, they charged that the law was actually eroding the quality of education by forcing schools to ‘teach to the test’ or to lower standards of proficiency while neglecting other parts of the curriculum, such as history, social science, and art, " (No Child Left …show more content…
The smarter balanced tests are aligned with Common Core, spell out the skills and knowledge students should have at every grade level, and it also emphasizes critical thinking and problem solving skills rather than memorization, asking students to explain how they arrived at their answers rather than simply regurgitating the facts and figures,”

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