The clone’s life had already set up since they were produced. Most students graduated from Hailsham when they sixteen, and went to train stations for couple years. Later on they became carers, and the donation was their final step, which brought their lives to the end. However, the lives of clones that outside the Hailsham were really harsh, nobody cared about them. Most human beings considered them as tools that people could get rid of them anytime they wanted. Hailsham was a school full of caring. “ I don’t know how it was where you were, but at Hailsham we had to have some form of medical almost every week” (13). Students’ lives at Hailsham were scheduled regularly, which was similar to the family in the normal world. Usually, for the certain amount of days, parents would bring their children to see the doctors or dentists and make sure their children are healthy. Even though the purpose for the health checking was making sure they were healthy enough to be a dorner, however, the students did not know the fact. They only knew the health checking was good for them, which made them to feel like Hailsham cared about them, like a real home. The effect that Hailsham brought to students makes them also care about other people, which prepared for the future to be a carer. Hailsham also had various activities for students. “Four times a year-spring, summer, autumn, winter-we had a kind of big exhibition-cum-sale of all the things we’d been creating in the three months since the last Exchange” (16). Students’ daily lives were various; they had all sorts of activities and events. Outside of Hailsham, the life of other clones was harsh: They had nothing to do, besides working. Students at Hailsham also had various classes, which helped them create from their own imagination. Students could also use their arts to exchange tokens back. In the normal life, people would earn money by being a producer and selling their products or skills to get money back. People would also use the money to buy other items to satisfy their demand. The life in Hailsham seemed close to what it would be like in a real society, students exchanged with each other. Even though people in the outside world did not consider them as human beings, but their behaviors liked the normal people. Hailsham brought all these strong influences. Guardians are like the students’ parents, who taught them the knowledge and encouraged them. …show more content…
“She did say something like that. She said I shouldn’t worry. Not mind what other people were saying. A couple of months ago now. Maybe longer (27).” Tommy was struggling with his painting skills and hated other students making fun of him. Tommy was very upset and Miss Lucy, a guardian, encouraged him and told him something different than others. Like the normal parents, when their children were upset about themselves, parents would encourage them, and ask them to work harder next time. If students were doing something wrong, these guardians would also teach them and help them return to the right track. Even though the students did not have parents, however, they would feel the love and the care from guardians, which brought them the feeling of Hailsham was their home. As a response, the clones were also cared about the guardians. For example, Ruth’s small secret groups were trying to protect Miss Geraldine. “Similarly, we always agreed Miss Geraldine herself shouldn’t hear a word of what we’d found out, since she’d get