Children may try to mimic actions in video games in real life. According to, in violent games, children can see bad acts such as people or animals murdered, drug or alcohol abuse, and bad abuse. In addition, according to, there were studies done on more than 130,000 participants worldwide; these studies illustrate that violent video games increase aggressive feelings. Fore example, video games cause high heart rates and blood pressure, which affects children. Even though, children still love playing action and violent video games for their excitement. Also, according to, some children taking hours to play video games can create problems in their behavior. For example, games can reduce social skills, cause lower grades in school, and shrink family time. Indeed, if children keep playing violent video games over and over, children will definitely react in real life violently too. Other people may argue that video games can have negative impacts on children that may isolate them from socializing with people. Though, all people nowadays are busy with technology, even parents. Some children have TV and video games in their room, so children are playing alone without contacting others. For example, when the family lunchtime comes, the child will keep thinking of his/her game without paying attention to the family time. In addition, according to, some children play four hours or more without playing typical activities such as swimming or reading. Also, according to, focusing too much time to play video games will effect children’s grade evaluations. Indeed, everything has its own time; that children can play for a period of time without shortening study time. Some people also may argue that video games …show more content…
Children may give up doing amazing things such as playing outside with other children that enjoy the moment. Spending most of the time playing video games can lead children to addict playing and resist the desire to quit the game. For instance, according to, another thing that leads to addiction of video games for children is the design of the game such as music, colors, and shape of characters. Also, according to, one reason for addict playing video games for children is the Internet. For example, the Internet in these days makes easy access to play online with other people around the world. Indeed, video game addiction affects children’s lives as any other kind of addiction and should be treated in therapy