Neemkomok (She Returns: Film Analysis

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Growing up and going to school in California it has become quite common to hear about the California missions since a young age. These missions are described as positive institutions and in a way we are taught to praise them as we recreate them with models. But the truth is, these missions weren’t exactly what we are taught. Instead they are a place where constant torment and violence also took place and changed the lifes of many people, especially Indigenous people. In his short film Neemkomok (She Returns), Douglas Cushnie tells the story of a young Indigenous woman who after years of struggle in a mission finally runs away and returns to her people. Before the missions came to exist the land which is today known as California had already …show more content…
He tells the story of Isadora through flashbacks of the past and scenes of the present which help us understand how the missions hurt her and how it led to the moment she is currently facing in the present. Though only about twenty minutes long, the film leaves almost no room for questions or confusion since we get to see the crucial events which marked her life and led her to escape. As the film begins we see her suffering and full of pain, but we aren’t sure why. Soon as the story evolves we start understanding her reasons and we are left in shock. For example, in one of the scenes she is being abused by a soldier who she was forced to be with. The result of this is the birth of a child, which is the product of their union but also a new member to the missions which have caused Rosario’s misery. The first question that comes to mind at this moment is “where is the baby?” in the present. Rosario is seen only with Domingo so we are left to believe she left her child behind and decided to leave on her own. Eventually she is seen burying a doll which symbolizes her child, the same child who was thought to be left behind but is revealed to be no longer living. Rosario killed her child and no reason is given, instead we are left to wonder why. Domingo, who has been guiding her to her destination is then revealed to have a dark secret as well which is that he was involved with …show more content…
I’d already heard the missions weren’t exactly as they were said to be but I never took the time to look into it which kept me in the dark. However, with the film I wasn’t only learning a little more about it but I was also witnessing it which made the experience even more significant. I’m definitely not too surprised this wasn’t taught to me in fourth grade when I was instructed to create a model of a mission because as I’m becoming older and continuing to learn I’ve come to realize a lot of the history taught to us isn’t 100% accurate. Still, it made me feel ignorant for not knowing something so important. After watching the film, I did find myself questioning one thing. How could Rosario kill her child? I didn’t understand it at all when I saw the scene, that is because in our society harming a child is considered one of the worst crimes one could do. This idea has been and continues to be something I strongly agree with, but after I heard from the panel members I was able to open my mind before judging and understanding why she might have done it. Even though, it is something I still feel uncomfortable with I am aware that the situation Rosario was in is what led her to end her childs life. Similarly, because I am not a parent it is easy for me to quickly judge something that only a parent would understand. Besides learning a lot from the film I also found the

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