I was working with my grandpa. We were at this person’s house replacing trim around there house. When we were there we had to measure the old pieces of wood cut the pieces of wood the old wood to put in the trash cans that we had there so we did not have to use there’s.So we put put up the trim around the house and when we did we went for lunch.
When we come back from lunch. We got back to pulling of the trim and bring it back to measure it then cut it then instead of putting it in the trash can this time when my grandpa cut the wood this time when my grandpa cut it he did not pay attention. He throw’s the board and 6 nails went into my hand. In my head I was thinking “this hurts so bad” so then after it I looked at my hand. So I went to my grandpa’s trailer and was sitting and I was crying over and over because …show more content…
So my mom was coming and my grandpa told me that she was coming to take me to the hospital. So when my mom showed up she helped me into the car. When we got to the hospital we went through the scanner and did the check-in stuff then we waited for less-than 5 minutes. When we got my weight and height we went back to the room.
When the doctor came in he gave me shots. Because the nails were rusty nails so when they were done they left the room again. So we were watching TV when we were waiting for the doctor to come back in. When they come back in they take me to go get X-ray’s. When we were done with X-ray they said I had no broken bone and that was a good thing.
So we are watching TV to pass by time so they finally. The doctor comes in and say’s that I only need stitches in one of the cut’s. So they bring me back to to this room and they put three stitches in the one cut. When I got out they gave me medecine and I went home. It took to weaks for the stitches to go away after that it was all good so it is a happy