For a year I reflected
For a year I reflected
Stork‛s Nest Charity Fund of Dallas in conjunction with Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc. - Kappa Zeta Chapter will be hosting its 85th annual Miss Blue Revue Informational for all female high school Juniors and Seniors in the DFW metro area, Sunday, September 18th, from 3-5 PM on the campus of Southern Methodist University at the Hughes – Trigg Student Center Ballroom, 3400 Dyer St, Dallas, TX. Miss Blue Revue originated in Dallas, Texas with the Kappa Zeta Chapter of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority Incorporated in 1933. Chapter founder, Dr. Helen Wilson Johnson and charter member Mildred Davis started the first Blue Revue program and then introduced the idea at the Sorority’s 1933 national convention.…
First we need to ensure that the information technology plan is going to align with the plans of Newcastle’s Hospital. The formulation will involve the ED affirming that their goals are to provide a higher quality of care. Corresponding the strategic organizational objective of “Getting better every day,” involves the overall improvement and patient safety provided at the hospital. The information system can enable the hospital to manage better patient care, allow for test results, and radiology report to be received faster and documented within the patient 's record. “Satisfying patients and staff,” by providing a better quality of care and making sure our employees can do this with ease.…
National Honor Society, or NHS, is an organization that recognizes students of outstanding character, leadership, service and scholarship. To qualify for NHS, a student must have a GPA of 4.0 or higher, have leadership as well as volunteer experience and be of good character. I deserve to be in NHS because I am a hard-working student, participate in many extracurricular activities and have a strong sense of integrity.…
To begin, I would I like to thank you for accepting me into The National Honor Society. It would be an honor to represent this society by being a part of one of the NHS positions. The position I am highly interested in applying for is becoming Treasurer. As stated, a Treasurer is someone who keeps, records and distributes all funds. I feel as though, I fit this position very well.…
MHS NHS Officer Application Essay National Honors Society has made me see a better way to help the community and the school. Before I was in this organization I volunteered outside of school. I’ve always been about helping others and trying to make a difference in the world. Being an officer for National Honors Society would mean that I could be more involved with the school, as well as put my time towards meaningful projects.…
I believe I am a good candidate to be selected for the Robert Vela High School National Honor Society because I am a dedicated student. My grades do reflect my abilities as a student, but my work ethic in the co-curricular activities that I participate is what really defines it as I put a lot of time and effort into them. In U.I.L. calculator applications, which is the main activity that I partake in, I sacrifice my time almost everyday after school and sometimes my lunch period throughout the school year, as well as the majority of my Saturdays to compete and practice. Not a lot of students would give up this much time and effort unless they are very dedicated. This also reflects my leadership and character as one has to work and communicate…
This incorporate NHS Outcomes Framework (2015/16) domain 2 and 4, which stated every healthcare professional should improve the quality of life for people suffering from long-term illness and ensure they are satisfied with the care they receive. Similarly, RCN (2008) and NHS Scotland restates the significance of securing catheter when in suits will promote patient comfort and limit potential complications movement and ensuring less or no need for re-catheterisation. For example, limited circulation to the limb occurrence may lead to deep vein thrombosis while tension and traction to the urethra can cause trauma and necrosis particularly in men (Bierman and Carigan 2003). The SMART plan will outlined the proposed innovation as Specific-target…
I feel honored to be considered for membership in Blacksburg High School’s chapter of the National Honor Society not only because of the immense personal growth that would result of my participation with the National Honor Society, but also of the impact I could make in the community alongside other NHS members. I feel that although I can make an impact in the community alone, my involvement would make an even greater impact in the world if I were to work together with other members of the prestigious organization. I think I would excel and make a difference in the world together with other students who are models of character, leadership, scholarship, and community service. If selected as a member of National Honor Society, I would like…
Throughout my life I have always tried to be the best person I could possibly become. From having perfect grades to being any sports team MVP. I have grown up with the phrase, “The harder you work, the better you do,” engraved into my head. My dad told me this after school, after sports, and after I finish anything i did. I work hard for my grades and that has ended me here.…
Ever since my eigth grade year when I witnessed someone I look up to be inducted into the National Honor Society, I knew it was something I wanted to accomplish in my high school years. The National Honor Society is the nation’s premier organization established to recognize outstanding high school students and it is a great honor to be eligible for induction into this prestigious organization. As a very hardworking, dedicated, and reliable student, I possess the required qualities such as scholarship, leadership, service, and character, which make me eligible for this Chapter of…
Over the past several years I have strived not only to prove myself but to improve myself. The journey has taught me what it takes to become a successful student in and out of the classroom. With my experiences, I will be a beneficial member to National Honor Society through; my character, scholarship, leadership and service. An important characteristic trait to me is not about being recognized when doing good but doing good when others are not around.…
National Honor Society Essay The National Honor Society is of great significance in select individual’s high school careers. To be a member of the NHS is an honor. In order to become a member of the NHS, one must demonstrate some fundamental characteristics, such as: honesty, integrity, trustworthiness, and demonstrate the qualities of a leader.…
For the first two years of my highschool career I had done very little with the school. I occasionally volunteered for the spirit week events, such as building a homecoming float. However, at the end of my sophomore year I realized that I could be involved with much more. With this in mind, I decided to run for class president and somehow I had won the election. As a result of this, I began to get more involved with the school.…
In relation to my Nursing 495learning plan, my identified goal was to increase my independence and enhance my critical thinking so that I will be able to make sound clinical judgments. This goal was developed before the start of the clinical and influenced my decision to complete a practicum on a medicine unit because I wanted to build a strong foundation for my nursing practice. This topic, therefore, influenced my transition from student to beginning graduate nurse by enhancing my ability to solve problems through the use of the nursing process. Furthermore, working in the commitment phase where I am responsible for the choices I make is helping me build confidence and independence.…
National Honor Society members have to represent the four pillars: scholarship, service, leadership, and character. Being a member of the NHS has given me the opportunity to learn and apply these pillars to my everyday life. I believe that I have demonstrated the four pillars through my high school experience. My academic studies are my primary focus. I always strive to do the best that I can do to achieve the highest grades possible so that I can stand out amongst my peers.…