My Goals For A Career For Bachelors In Computer Science

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I’m a small girl from a big city of where “Dreams come True”. Being an illegal immigrant in an unknown land where you’re not wanted is hard. I struggle everyday trying to make enough money for my own education since I am a first generation student in my family with not enough money in our pockets. I want to prove to my family that someday I will walk on stage with my Bachelor’s degree and thank them for all the hardships they went through for me for me to have a better life and a proper education. With my dreams set high, I have my own career and life goals in order for me to graduate with a BS in Computer Science to someday work in the IT field. I’m a firm believer of the importance of writing down your goals. I manage to write down every …show more content…
Since I was a little girl I would watch him put a computer together from scratch, create an abundance of codes and algorithms in his workspace. I grew up with this in my house and he eventually began teaching me some stuff involving hardware and software. With this I began to have more interest in computer science where I knew that someday I would be able to create platforms for some of the most elite companies ever. So as I started studying at Valencia community college I began taking my Introduction to programming, C programming, C++ programming and Java classes for my computer science degree. These classes really helped me discovering my inner passion for Computer Science. I simply chose this degree because it’s in my blood, it’s something that I know I will love doing for the rest of my life. It’s a degree that even if I didn’t get paid for it, I would still be doing it. Computer Science is what I see myself doing, and someday go back to school to get my Masters in it. Through hard work and determination with a Computer Science major it’ll help me reach the top companies such as Google and Lockheed Martin. With this degree I would thank my dad for showing me the ways of becoming a Computer Science major. Being thousands of miles away from the motherland is pretty nostalgic, but my feet are now planted on this land I call home where I’m chasing after my American Dream. With my career and life goals, I’m willing to work hard as an immigrant and strive for my future. Being a First Generation student, I will finish college and earn my BS in Computer Science and someday be working at Google or Lockheed

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