(1) These formation experiments showed me that I need to work on my character and improve my relationship with God. Through the vainglory formation experiment, my eyes were opened that I do not need to see my self-reflection to be happy with myself. I came to understand that my appearance does not …show more content…
This experiment showed me that every time I did look at my self-reflection I downgraded myself, and picked out all the bad things about my appearance. I learned that I need to love my appearance because God intended me to love myself and not sit in front of the mirror picking apart what he created for good. From the humility experiment, it showed me that I always hesitate to ask for help with simple things because I think it is important to go through life relying on yourself, but that is not the true reality. It showed me that it important in my life to ask people for help because it takes a weight off my shoulder and we were intended to be helped and not always independent. The envy experiment showed me that I envy other people’s appearance and accomplishments, which made me not rejoice my friends as much. I recognized that at times I can have an envious heart and when I do it is important that I set aside my selfishness and rejoice alongside my friends. In the diligence formation experiment, I learned that I focus on a lot of the materialistic aspects being what is good instead of God being the highest factor of my life that