Have you ever had a pet that was almost like your friend or another family member? Well I have had one and it was a mini Labrador named Chabelo. I know you are probably asking why Chabelo? Some of you know that Chabelo is a Mexican show host that is really old and big and dresses up like it kid. Well my dog had a medium sized body and looked like he was a baby lab but a really big one that’s why we named him Chabelo. Chabelo will always have a place in my heart. Chabelo was playful, noble, obedient, and he was my first real dog that I ever had. First, Chabelo was a playful dog; we owned a 4-acre yard so all the yard was his. Chabelo always used to play with his ball he had a roll it all around. He also used to play catch a lot, I always threw him a stuffed animal so he can bring it back and I would throw it again and again. One of the most funniest experiences ever that I had with him is one time I threw him a stuffed animal in it accidently landed on my moms sunflowers, which she loved a lot, and Chabelo chewed all of them and my mom was so mad but between us I told her it was all the dog’s fault. Chabelo would always run behind my mom’s car and follow it. One morning my mom was taking me school and Chabelo followed the car all the way to the corner of Ross and 4th and that was far because I live out in the country. Second, Chabelo was a …show more content…
Yes I have to admit he wasn’t the first first but he was the first dog I ever loved and he loved me back. All my other dogs didn’t like me because I was cruel kid with them and always would throw water at them or scare them, but Chabelo was different. I got Chabelo as a gift and since then I knew that, that goldish fur dog would be something special. I also say that he was my first dog because it was the first dog I was responsible for; I used to take care of him and all his needs like food, water, etc. Chabelo was quite a dog and he had a lot of qualities that I