My Baseline Ethics By Immanuel Kant

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Final Paper Project My Baseline Ethics
I define my own ethics, as the rules I impose on myself in how I should act based on what I think is right and moral principles. It helps me to think and reflect on any dilemma that I may face in my life before making a decision. Personally, I find that what could be right or wrong for me may be contrary for other persons because we all came from different cultures and countries, with different perspective of what is ethical or not. In general, I believe that those actions that violate the social norms of each society, especially pedophilia, rape, kidnapping, robbery and other social ills are bad. It seems to me that to make a fair judgment, I have to ask myself three things: Who did it? What? And why
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Ethics is the question of the meaning of life or existence. In other words is the same as asking us why I do this or that? For what purposed? Is this good for me? Is this good for others? The moral by contrast, focuses on actions or on the time to act. Thus, ethics is the reflective act before the action and moral is the right action ethically good.
Categorical Imperative for Kant’s Deontology ethics is all that is imposed, that prevails over the rest because is what we have to do, not what we want to do. The imperative is to stick to the rule when we have to take a position on something. I think that Kant’s Categorical imperative is divided into three parts that form a unity because without one of its parts cannot function or exist as imperative. These three rules are:
1. Act only in the way that you could wish that the maxim of your action should become a universal law. One example of this is when we said if I like to be treated with respect and dignity, to get it, I should give the same in return and always, not just when it suits
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Kant 's ethics is a bit different from the others and a little complicated because it presents ethics in a formal way where the most important thing a person has to do before making an action is to ask what should I do? Unlike the utilitarian ethic where the key for them is material and they only think in the actions that will bring them the greatest happiness. In his view a person should always do the right thing fulfilling a moral duty to never lie, steal, kill, etc. Before, when I start looking about his work I thought that he was very rigorous philosopher because in life sometimes we have to lie to save us or to not hurt the feelings of others. Now after having researched a little more about his ideas I can reiterate my decision that his theory is the strongest one because telling lies can brings also bad ends. An example of this is when we say to a friend that she looks good with her new clothes to not hurt her feelings but she really looks bad. After a while she goes to a party and everyone makes fun of her and she ends up crying. Sometimes we justify a morally wrong action in its “good ends” that we really don’t know if they 're going to be good or bad. This is why Kant thinks you cannot measure the morality of an action by its outcome. He believed that the good intentions we have to execute an action is what really matters. In his theory he stated that we should treat

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