• Rather it be in the music industry, the movies or taking credit for someone else’s idea, stealing is something that happens all the time in different ways, sometimes we don’t even realize we are pilfering.
II. Music:
• At one time Music was as simple as turning on the radio. It was 100% free to listen, of course the radio listener could not govern what song would be played, and not to mention a lot of interruptions from advertisements.
• As a child there were times a friend wanted a song and it was simply copied onto a tape and passed on. Pirating music use to be simply shoplifting a C.D. or a tape and it was undoubtedly morally wrong.
III. Movies:
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According to the London school of economics and political science over the past years there have been ample research reports showing that file-sharing can have positive effects on the entertainment industries.
• “Piracy won’t go away,” said Ernesto Van Der Sar, editor of Torrent Freak. “They’ve tried for years and they’ll keep on trying, but it won’t go away.”(New York Times Nick Billton Aug. 4, 2012)
IV. Ideas:
• At times it becomes challenging as our attention becomes alienated to recall the origin of material when we’re busy on a major project or multilayered idea. This explains why people sometimes take credit for thoughts that are not their own.
• “The psychologist Dan Gilbert calls this kleptomnesia: generating an idea that you believe is novel, but in fact was created by someone else. Its accidental plagiarism, and it’s all too common in creative work”. (The Biggest Reason We Steal Other People’s Ideas Adam grant)