Multitasking has various levels of interference, not …show more content…
In a recent study done on college students in the classroom (Zheng, 2015), the study examined the relationship among learning variables, multitasking and academic performance. What they did was they followed students throughout the semester up until midterms to follow their classroom habits; most used laptops or other technology. They found that there was a specific connection between laptop multitasking in lecture halls and academic performance in a course that is based on lecturing. Multitasking had a stronger negative correlation on grades compared to self-efficacy, intrinsic motivation, extrinsic motivation, and test anxiety. This means for these students that out of all the factors that affect academics, multitasking has the strongest impact and in order for a student to excel on the testing portion of the academics, students need to be solely focused on the task at hand because otherwise it may lead to some negative