What is not shown to the public is the bravery, passion, and endless hours of hard work that go into their stories. Daphne Caruana Galizia was a journalist who dedicated her career and life to exposing corruption in her home island of Malta, covering local scandals and much more. That’s right. Was. She was assassinated in a car bomb late last year by people working for the politicians she had exposed. Not only did her career disappear, she was brutally killed. Doing right by the law cost her her own life. Through their stories, muckrakers allow for a more ethical society, where justice can prevail. After countless months, even years, of continuous work, sometimes a muckraker’s only reward is their own death. Others would argue that a muckraker goes too far in their research, and digs too deep into the private, personal details of an individual. But, if one idolizes said individual, isn’t it ethically and morally right for them to know their full story? For example, in the 2016 Presidential election, candidate Donald Trump was a popular celebrity. Journalists have scratched the surface of his life for celebrity reports but hadn't gone deeper into his daily behaviors and such. Many people voted for him in the election, resulting in his victory, but it was only after he became president that muckraking journalists had begun to investigate more into his actions. If muckrakers had maybe done this earlier, the ignorant voters would not have voted in his favor and the United States would not have him as President. Muckrakers are necessary for a more democratic and ethical
What is not shown to the public is the bravery, passion, and endless hours of hard work that go into their stories. Daphne Caruana Galizia was a journalist who dedicated her career and life to exposing corruption in her home island of Malta, covering local scandals and much more. That’s right. Was. She was assassinated in a car bomb late last year by people working for the politicians she had exposed. Not only did her career disappear, she was brutally killed. Doing right by the law cost her her own life. Through their stories, muckrakers allow for a more ethical society, where justice can prevail. After countless months, even years, of continuous work, sometimes a muckraker’s only reward is their own death. Others would argue that a muckraker goes too far in their research, and digs too deep into the private, personal details of an individual. But, if one idolizes said individual, isn’t it ethically and morally right for them to know their full story? For example, in the 2016 Presidential election, candidate Donald Trump was a popular celebrity. Journalists have scratched the surface of his life for celebrity reports but hadn't gone deeper into his daily behaviors and such. Many people voted for him in the election, resulting in his victory, but it was only after he became president that muckraking journalists had begun to investigate more into his actions. If muckrakers had maybe done this earlier, the ignorant voters would not have voted in his favor and the United States would not have him as President. Muckrakers are necessary for a more democratic and ethical